Over years of observations, we noticed that while we now live in a modern world where technology permeates society on many levels, many humans continue to suffer from many health ailments. Yes, technology and modern ways of society has brought solutions to many illnesses of the past, but it has also led to a wider prevalence of cancer and other modern illnesses among humans. Disturbing trends reveal many more humans contracting cancer, and at earlier stages of life too.

Although technology has benefited society, some products of such technology cause radiation and leech out chemicals that penetrate our bodies and harm our health. Our surrounding environment – air, land, water are also affected. Modern society’s practices and our way of life now, with widespread deforestation, landfills, incineration and more, has led to contaminated water, soil and atmosphere that adversely affect our health in ways unseen before the industrial age. How can we stop the damage to our planet and improve our health? UHB works with many professors around the world and their teams of researchers for a solution. 

We are invested in a better world with better health for all human beings. Our core focus is on researching and inventing new products that benefit humans, living beings, our environment and planet earth. We care and have deep concern for all human health and life. UHB mission is to benefit everyone and aid them in pursuit of a good health and life. We will conduct lectures and seminars to teach everyone how to attain and maintain good health to lead a happy life.


虽然科技有益于社会,但因科技发展使某些产品会溢出辐射或存在有害的化学成分,有害物质能渗透我们的体内,损害我们的健康。而我们周围的环境 -如 空气,土地,水 - 也受到影响。由于现代社会的惯例,以及我们现在的生活的方式,如广泛的森林砍伐、垃圾填埋场和垃圾焚烧,都会导致水、土壤和空气的污染而直接严重伤害我们的健康。而我们以前在科技落后和没以工业为主要发展的时代里,人类却并没有面对环境污染的影响。我们怎样才能停止破坏我们的星球,改善我们的健康呢? UHB(优康美)与许多世界各地的教授和他们的团队的研究人员研究好的解决方案。 

我们投资建造一个更美好的世界,为全人类提供更好的健康。我们的核心重点是研究和发明好的产品,造福人类、生物、环境和地球。 我们深切关注着所有人类的健康生活。“让人人受益,帮助人们去追求美好的健康生活”这个正是UHB(优康美)的使命。我们会进行讲座和研讨会,教大家如何实现并保持良好的健康,过上幸福健康的生活。